What a FANTASTIC 31st birthday... My birthday started off GREAT (thanks to a couple people I work with) on Friday and then the greatness boiled over to my actual birthday (yesterday)... I spent the first half of my day with Kimberly, enjoying some quality time together, along with some Red Brick Oven Pizza (YUMMY) for lunch....
31 years old
And the last half of the day was spent with a party at the house. It was a FANTASTIC night as well. Family, friends, and TONS of fun!!
But I really am... (lol)
Yes black and pink... Couldn't find anything blue that was cute...
Kind of liking pink these days...
And of course the "merry go round" of liquor choices with TONS of pink shots glasses...
Over all my 31st birthday was the best birthday ever... Thanks to all who texted, emailed, called, facebooked, sent cards, and came over... I love you guys!
You really made my birthday one to remember.